Saturday, March 28, 2009

Save Earth Save Culture

Culture universally is in danger. This is a BIG hue and cry made in every generation. I remember my father often saying that his generation has far more virtues and values than what we youngsters are inheriting and following. His father(my grand dad) was not alive when my dad was advising us.. I am sure if my grand father would have been alive by then, he would have cautioned to me at least a few streaks of revolt against culture and irreverence to time tested ethos in my father when he was young. I am pretty darn sure about this now because beyond 40's I am now complaining about how my kids should have behaved when every time they democratically(this is what I assume even if they do not allow me to counter their arguments) oppose me albeit with some not-so-non-violent tools such as shouting, or showing rudeness by raising the pitch and decibel of the voice or ignoring me and my comments as if I did not exist. I have given my verdict long back My kids lack an orientation to good culture and have no inclination to improve scores on these. The question is is there a problem and if YES where is the problem? can we solve it?

My wife and I were more worried about how our kids would handle a fast deteriorating culture- less world which values money and possession of it as a virtue more than anything else. (In the modern world, is there any thing considered value and virtue than money??)

Again today's kids appear to be compromising on religious and spiritual aspects of life. I perceive it this way but if you are different I would like to hear your arguments. If you are one among those who would love to discuss culture and try to see how to make it visible to growing kids, then this blog is for you. I plan to discuss a lot about what should be a good culture suitable for kids of the world and also for the adults of the world. It is more like best practices of cultures gathered around the world whatever may be the region, language (will ultimately be translated into English) or religion.

I am not sure how many of us feel that there is a overall cultural erosion in all walks of lives. However I am sure that even if we are aware of such dangers we are ignorant of it totally or resigned to the fact that it is inevitable. It is like the environment that we have been corrupting all through ages and suddenly when our consciences wake up, we try to pull up our sleeves and seem to be taking some active steps which are not adequate at all.

I tried to define Culture and felt not very comfortable to come to an all encompassing definition. I am not even sure culture is always good.Then there is no need for this blog. Is it like air? It was like all pure once in the beginning and we corrupted it. If we are encountering generation after generation a culture shock, is this avoidable and should we not try to find a root cause?

The crux to me seems to be understanding what culture is and how it should be? This can not be answered by me alone and I would like collective participation of my readers. Let us keep a few days aside, say to start with 5 full days for leaving comments and try to blog our opinion on "what is a culture in every one's context and then how should be conditioned to make it useful for all?

I am waiting for brain waves to get recorded here, if you have time, I promise reading this blog will be one of the useful things that you will continue to enjoy doing.

You may have a question about the title of this blog. Why do I say that we save earth if we save culture. History shows us that progressive culture has brought us good material benefits. I am very cautious in calling it material benefits only and no more. I have a few friends who think that the ancient men in caves were far happier than modern men with all the amenities. But a dangerous culture can create great havoc. Wars can ruin several years of development. A deteriorating culture is a war on earth and a war on people. We have no option now but to protect good culture.

More after I hear from some of you.


Unknown said...

I would not exactly agree that culture is is more like culture is evolving.Everything in life has to show signs of movement for growth and hence culture also is striving to survive by showing signs of movement (whether it is forward or backward).
The youth of today are smart and fast. Probably that is why they do not have the patience to listen to the slow oldies. Well, did we slow down for our oldies when we were young?

Anonymous said...


Today's culture is without any specific color, that is, no body is interested in their traditions. They are interested in happy spending of their time and earning opportunities...

But, the thinking of the salvation of their soul is really improving...